Enthusiastically Self-Employed: business tips, marketing tips, and LinkedIn tips for coaches, consultants, speakers, authors, solopreneurs & small business owners

How to Use FAQs as Content featuring a question about Lost LinkedIn Page Admin Access with Brenda Meller Ep 110

Brenda Meller Season 1 Episode 110

Want an easy way of creating social media content? Use FAQs. When someone emails to ask you a question related to your expertise, do what I do, as explained in this podcast:

✅ Don't respond to just one person, especially if they are not yet a client. Respond and create content that can help more than one person.

✅ If it requires a demonstration, capture your explanation on video. I like Zoom, which allows you to easily screen-share as you go.

✅ Aim for one take, so you don't have to do a lot of editing. It's OK if it's not perfect. Done is better than perfect, and you'll get better the more you do these.

✅ If you do create a video, make sure it's public and your response is generic. OR if it doesn't require a video, consider a blog instead -- preferably on your website.

✅ Once you're done creating the content, share it with the person who asked you AND also share it on social media!

THE QUESTION: How do we get back into our LinkedIn company page? The employee who set up the page left our company and didn't transfer access.

Watch this video on YouTube to see how I explain the verification process using your company email and how I break down the specific actions needed to regain control of your LinkedIn company page. 

Whether you're a small business owner or part of a larger organization, these insights are critical to maintaining uninterrupted access to your company's online presence. Say goodbye to the frustration of lost admin rights and hello to a more secure and well-managed LinkedIn strategy!

🥧 FREE LIVE WEBINAR by Brenda Meller 

Getting Clients for Your Coaching, Consulting, or Solopreneur Business Using LinkedIn

Without AI / Automation or a Heavy Sales Pitch!
Delivered LIVE by a Former Corporate Marketer Turned LinkedIn Coach.

  • Tues, Oct 22 at Noon ET
  • OR Thurs, Oct 24 at 9 am ET


My name is Brenda Meller. I'm a LinkedIn coach, consultant, speaker, and author. My company is Meller Marketing and I help business professionals get a bigger slice of the LinkedIn pie.

Visit mellermarketing.com

Let's connect on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/brendameller
(click MORE to invite me to connect and mention you listened to my podcast)

Speaker 1:

Do you have an employee who's maybe set up your company page on LinkedIn and then left your organization and you're trying to figure out how to get into your company page? Hey, it's Brenda Meller. In today's video, I'm going to show you how to get access back to your page. Let me start first with what prompted this. I actually got an email from someone. I'm not going to name the individual or their company, but they reached out to me to ask a question and I'm going to read you what they had sent to me. Hi, brenda, I recently visited your website regarding your LinkedIn expertise and was wondering if you could help with an issue we are experiencing. I work for X company and the company page has become impossible to access. A former colleague created the account as an admin. However, we have no knowledge of what email or password was used for the page. This also cannot be requested from the former colleague, as they left suddenly without a handover. This means that the information is outdated and does not reflect the company as it should. I appreciate any support regarding this matter, so I'm going to send this video over to this individual. I'm not going to disclose the name or the name of their company, but first I want to address what happened. There was one person who had access to the LinkedIn company page and that person left the organization. That's going to happen for you and for your business. Somebody will be leaving. So the first thing is making sure that you have at least two people who are full-time employees, who are admins of your company page at all times, even if you're self-employed. If you're self-employed, it should be a spouse or a partner or a relative, but if you're a large organization, you should have at least two people who are admins. Typically those are individuals who are in marketing, sometimes they're in HR or recruiting, sometimes they're in the legal department, sometimes they're in the IT department, hr department. It could be a combination. Sometimes it might even be external agency partners. So try to get at least two full-time employees, in addition to any external partners, set up as admin in the page. That way, this won't happen. When somebody leaves, somebody else will have the handout. But let's assume you're in the bucket that you're in right now.

Speaker 1:

What do you do next? So I'm going to pull up my LinkedIn and I'm going to illustrate this point Now. This process does have to begin with you adding the organization into your experience section. So the person who's going to request this access back from LinkedIn does need to be an employee of the company, and I'm going to use an example on my profile. Sometimes what I will do is I will put in my experience sections organizations that I'm a member of or where I serve on their board, and I did this before starting the video today to test this out. So I'm a member and a national speaker through an organization called Innovation Women, which supports women speakers. By the way, I talk about LinkedIn If you're interested in booking you as a speaker, but if you click on their logo in my experience section because I've added it in my experience section it will bounce me over to the company page.

Speaker 1:

Now, technically, I've put it in my experience section as an employee quote, unquote, right. So now what happens? When you get on the company page? You're going to notice there's some buttons at the top following an invite. By the way, you should do this from desktop, not from the mobile app. When you're on the page, I want you to click on the three dots. Voila. You're going to see it says request admin access. Now, once you click on this, you're going to see that it says I verify that I'm an authorized representative of this organization and I have the right to act on its behalf in the management of this page, and we agree to the additional terms for pages.

Speaker 1:

Now, often what will happen is LinkedIn will verify that you have an email address that matches the domain for the website. At that point they should be able to give you admin access in pretty quickly. If not, they might require some other form of verification, but typically it's just that you have an email address that matches the website's domain. So let's say, for example, innovation Women let me click on there about. If I look at their website, it's innovationwomencom. So if my LinkedIn email was brenda at innovationwomencom whether it was a primary or secondary email they're going to be like yeah, she's an employee, we give her admin access.

Speaker 1:

And then, as soon as you do get into the page, what I want you to do is I'm going to show you from my view. I'm going to go back to my Meller Marketing Company page right now, and once I get into the page, I'm in as an admin. So let's assume LinkedIn has granted you admin access. The very first thing you're going to do is you're going to go over to the settings and then you're going to click on manage admins and you're going to remove that person who is no longer an employee of the company, so you do not need to log into LinkedIn as them.

Speaker 1:

As long as you get access into the admin area of the account, you can remove them without their approval and then immediately, if they're only one other person who's an admin, you need to add in Remember those at least two full-time employees of the company in as admin and, in a pinch, just add in a few people for now. You can always add in more for later. So that is it, my friends. Again, this is the process to get access back into your company page. If you've lost access because the person who created the page is no longer with the company and maybe it's a little bit awkward to reach out to them, ok, hopefully you found this tip helpful and I do encourage you to reach out to me, brenda, at Mellormarketingcom, or go to my website, mellormarketingcom, to learn more about my LinkedIn coaching and team training services. Have a.

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